
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Quilting ADD

I was anxious to sew today before going back to work tomorrow, but I couldn't seem to settle on what to do. (Matters weren't helped by the fact that every time I got near my bed and saw Wilson snoozing I'd crash for a little nap.)  I started out quilting background lines on the Lonestar quilt, but quickly decided I didn't want to spend my whole day on that.

Next, I got out the "Seismic" quilt, made with blocks contributed by the ladies of the Stash Bee Hive #3 back in February.  I had originally started to quilt this one with the honey comb quilting design from Crazy Mom Quilts but ran in to trouble. After sitting idle for several months I finally picked out the offending stitches and got busy quilting it with simple lines.

I quilted for a while.  Picked out the remaining honey comb quilting. Made lunch. Took a nap. And, finally, got back to quilting.  After finishing the straight lines I overlaid them with a few large circles and called it good. I was actually able to get this baby DONE today, so watch for it on Friday's finish post!

Once I tossed the finished quilt into the washer I started on a new WIP, cutting out Dresden fans with my new ruler for a wall hanging I have in my mind's eye.  All in all it's not a bad day's progress, despite being a bit scattered.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday, check out the other entries!


  1. Any progress is good! Congrats on your finish! :)

  2. lol I know what you mean about quilting ADD, or rather crafting ADD in general lol hence my blog name! Can't wait to see what you make with the Dresdens! I am a new follower, have a great Wednesday!

    Stopping by from the WIP hop

  3. Oh darn! I was hoping to see your lone star again! ;-) But you gotta do what makes you happy!
