
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Unsewing :(

Today's WIP is somewhat of an un-WIP.  I'm picking out the FMQ pebbles I tried quilting on one of the QAYG Simple Sampler blocks. 

I guess I'm just really not much of a fan of this pattern.  I was going to try it anyway, since part of the point of a sampler is to try different things and explore new techniques. But, after doing about a quarter of the block I still just didn't like it.  So, I'm ripping it out and doing something different.

One slow un-stitch at a time.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Ugh! I'm not a fan of pebbling either, though I do it in small areas occasionally for the texture.

  2. Unsewing is the worst! I'm still unsewing that darn fly south....

  3. Maybe if the thread was the same colour as the grey in the background it would suit better? It's a shame to undo all that sewing, but good for you for trying something new.
