
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

WIP Wednesday Goals

Happy Wednesday! I am off work for a few days and feeling very productive. At the moment I am working on quilting the Crumb Nine Patch quilt

My goal is to get this one quilted today.  The borders are getting the dogwood style quilting, the rest will get a stipple.

I have already been busy today.  Six new half pints of pepper jelly are cooling on the table.

And of course the supervisor is standing by to make sure I don't work too hard :)

Linking up to WIP Wednesday.


  1. your dogwood fmq is looking great! I like the way your jelly catches the light :)

  2. Excellent quilt! It's looking great. Silvana

  3. Mmmm, I don't really know what pepper jelly is, but it looks yummy :)

  4. Oh wow! You're working hard on that quilt! Looks great! Love your little supervisor too; he is adorable!

  5. Love your supervisor. I have two of them who like to assist when I'm trying to free motion by sitting on the quilt. The extra weight really helps. Not.

  6. I like the sound of your pepper jelly, I'm guessing it's spicy as apposed to sweet?
    I've just seen the finished crumb nine-patch and it looks lovely.. and of course Wilson looks gorgeous as always, though especially so in that picture.
