
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fair Isle Quilt Along Week 2

Before this year I had never done a quilt along; now I've done 3!  First the Triangle Quilt Along back in the spring, the Texas Quilt Along in the summer, and now I'm doing the Fair Isle Quilt Along from Freshly Pieced! 

Here are the first 2 weeks worth of blocks up on the wall.  You can see I am going ahead and piecing them into rows as I go.  I originally thought that I wouldn't like QALs because I normally work much faster that that pace. Turns out it's kind of nice to take a project so slow! Plus it gets me to do things I normally wouldn't try.

I also finished this simple strip quilt top this week.   All the colors were pulled from that floral fabric at the top and bottom. Now I just need to trim it up, baste and quilt!

And my strings were in desperate, desperate need of sorting. So last evening to folded them all into color piles. Time to do something with these :)

Linking to Patchwork Times Design Wall Monday and Freshly Pieced Fair Isle QAL.


  1. I love your Fair Isla quilt! You chose great colors! It looks so different from the original, but still looks like a Christmas sweater. Can't wait to see the whole thing!

  2. I have started the Fair Isle too. Wow I really like your colors! My first sew along ever.

  3. I love the quilt along quilt. I was very tempted by it, but I am still working my way through my mountain of UFOs. Next year I will be ready to sew, sew, sew new projects.

  4. I like your color palette for the fair isle quilt

  5. I'm in love with your blue and green color palette for the fair isle quilt. That will make it perfect to use all winter long, not just for Christmas.

  6. Wow, I just love your Fair Isle color palette! It's stunning! Can't wait to see more. : )
