
Saturday, February 28, 2015

This and That

I've been away from the blog a while! Not because I haven't been busy; I have. Also I did get a cold and get snowed-in out of town for a week. That put a dent in production.

I finished my February do. Good Stitches block. February was a short month, it snuck up on me!  The tutorial for the block is here. I thought Louise did a really good job of making a somewhat structured wonky block.

I dug up a couple of old UFOs and finished them for charity quilts. The disappearing hourglass block and the "Dallas Nights" strip quilt will be featured on here as soon as the sun comes out.

I also picked back up an old hobby. Hand made, coptic stitched journals. Coptic stitching is great because it's beautiful and allows the journal to open flat for easier writing. I'll show more pictures of this one once it has been gifted, but here is a sneak peek.

Hoping for more frequent blogging soon.