
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Scrappy Sunday

My crumb jar was overflowing again, so I dumped it out and started sewing slabs of fabric by color. I love this kind of quilt. Something from nothing! And it's totally reflective of what was in my scraps at the time. It's the quilting equivalent of opening up the pantry and making dinner from whatever you can find rather than going from a recipe.

I've got 3 shades of blue left to assemble.  I have a really cool idea for setting these. I just hope it works out like I am imagining it!

Linking to Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than housework.

PS: Every week Adrienne at On the Windy Side has Caturday Wisdom. It's always adorable and this week it's extra cute because my boys are there! Check them out!


  1. Love your scrappy blogs. Can't wait to see how the whole quilt turns out.

  2. I love what you are doing with your scraps! I don't know why the squares remind me of candy in jars arranged by flavors. You have your Red Hots, Peppermint Greens, Sweeten Lemonade, and Sugared Orange Peels....YUM!

    Kitties looks so cute! Hugs to all!

  3. Those colorful fabric slabs are a perfect to use up the crumbs. I look forward to seeing what you do with them. Thanks for sharing this with Oh Scrap!

  4. I don't have cats, but I love Caturday Wisdom! Your cats look so relaxed and at home. Adore your scrappy color slabs and want to see your idea for setting them!

  5. Great assortment of rainbow improv blocks... look forward to seeing how you set them!

  6. Looking good! I love color sorting projects :)

  7. Looking forward to seeing your slab work come together. I love this type of improv quilting with a plan.

  8. It's so nice to be able to use up scraps. Blocking out colors this way is great. I wonder what your cool idea to work them into the quilt is? Hmmmm. Better get a move on, Kat, and I'll just check back soon! Always love to see your work.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  9. I always look forward to Caturday Wisdom and just loved your cats in this week's post - too cute!

  10. Love to see what you are going to do with your blocks - great photo of them cuddling up to each other!

  11. Oh, Slabs! Fun blocks and adorable cats.
