
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Call for Blocks!

As most of you surely already know, I run a charity called Covered in Love providing comfort quilts to the families of patients who pass away in the hospital where I work. (If you didn't know, now you do! Click on the link up there to get up to date.)

The blog world has been very generous to my project; thank you everyone! The local Tyler Modern Group has volunteered to make blocks for the cause so I thought it would be fun to open it up to the internet at large. You can make a few blocks or a bunch if you want. Send them in to me by the end of the month (email merlin775 at gmail or leave a comment for my address) and I'll assemble our blocks into quilts.

For August, let's make flying geese blocks. For each block you need to make (8) flying geese, each measuring 3"x6" finished or 3.5"x6.5" unfinished. You can make the geese any way you like. Martingale has an awesome tutorial here for making flying geese unit 4 different ways AND has included charts for the cutting measurements for each technique.  You can make your geese from any color combinations in the color chart below. Make a simple 2 color block or a scrappy block with lots of different fabrics. Then, arrange those (8) geese any way you like into a 12.5" unfinished block.

Personally I prefer the 4 geese at a time method (toward the bottom of the tutorial page), for that one you need to cut (1) 7.25" square and (4) 3 7/8" squares. I made 8 sets (32 geese) and mixed those up to make 4 blocks.  Make your geese any way you want, make as many or as few blocks as you want, and send them my way during August. Next month I'll post a new block.

(Edited to Add: View finished quilt here)

Tyler Modern ladies, you can bring your blocks to our meeting at the end of the month. Questions? Comment or email me please! Thanks in advance, I couldn't do this without you guys :)

Linking to WIP Wednesday and Oh Scrap!


  1. This looks like fun, and a great way to practice making flying geese! I'm definitely interested and will have to go look through my stash for those gorgeous colors.

  2. What a great thing you are doing. Quilts are forever hugs and being able to help someone in need of comfort is such a wonderful thing. I will check my stash to see what I can some up with.

  3. Your determination and focus is an inspiration to us all!

  4. What a great idea and focusing on a specific aspect makes it "doable".

  5. What a great idea. Hope you get a lot of blocks!!

  6. What a wonderful idea! Love your block layouts. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. Wonderful idea... and looks like these blocks are very versatile!
