
Sunday, January 31, 2016

I'm being stalked...

Little Miss always seems to know when I'm sewing and come to check it out.   When I'm piecing she likes to lay on the ironing board in the sunshine and the warm spot from the iron.

I'm watching you...
When I'm quilting she gets under the desk and watches, hoping a corner of the quilt will slip over the back of my desk where she can attack it.

Needless to say, if she succeeds at her goal it causes a nasty yank on the quilt sandwich under my needle. Then I hose her down with the squirt bottle and she runs away to lick herself. Of course she sneaks back as soon as I am distracted.

The other night I quilted until 10, then turned off the machine to work on school stuff.  Around midnight I kicked something furry under the desk.  Yes, she was still on guard, waiting, hours later for a sliver of that quilt to reappear. Silly cat.

In other news, you may remember that this month I asked the members of my do. Good Stitches circle to make paper pieced blocks from the Forest Quilt Along.  The ladies from the Nurture circle have been troopers with such a difficult block and here are the first 3 all together on the design wall.  You can see some more of the blocks, which have been made but haven't made it to me in the mail yet here.   Thank you, Nurture circle! You guys are rockstars and this is going to be such a cool quilt!

Linking to Patchwork Times Design Wall Monday.


  1. It must be nice to have company while you sew. We have a little dog that sits at my feet when I do things. Fortunately she just likes to sleep near me and not attack any pieces of fabric dangling from the sewing table.

  2. Great use of fabrics for each of the blocks. Don't you just love your kitty! They can be so mischievous =^=^ Sandi

  3. What lovely blocks! I'm partial to the squirrel. I think I'd opt for applique over paper piecing . . .

  4. Aren't kittens the best? Our newest addition, Caroline Kitty Kat, is keeping me on my toes. Maybe it's been too long since we've had a kitten, but I don't remember Oliver stalking/hunting us like she does. She reminds me of that little chicken hawk on the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons. But based on your pictures, she is just being a normal kitten.

  5. I am in love with the first picture, and the cat that waits...
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color
    with a poodle who is not interested in my work
