
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lots of Tops

Belated Happy Valentines Day!  I worked over Valentines day this year, but one of the male nurses passed out yellow roses to all the girls. Isn't that sweet?

I won't have a Friday Finish this week, but I did get 3 tops done.  First was the last of the string diamonds.  I didn't get a picture of that one, but you've see it on the design wall before.  Then I decided to put some of the February block drive blocks up on the wall to see how they look. I ended up falling so in love with them that I went ahead and sewed the top together.  I know that I just declared November's Falling Leaves my favorite, but this one is my new favorite block drive we've done!

The last top is a sailing theme quilt I put together for a patient I took care of and made a connection with over the weekend.  I have also done some sailing, so we bonded over that.  This guy, though.  He built his own boat and sailed it around the world.  Before that he made a career in the Navy.  He's been sailing since he was 13 and even though he's seen more than most of us will ever dream of, he's not ready to be done yet.

He's part of a group that is not normally covered by Covered in Love.  He's dying (prostate cancer with mets to the bone) but not today or tomorrow, possibly not even this year.  It's a difficult limbo place to be in.  So, I made him his own quilt to remind him of the adventures he's had.  Also I hope that when he takes this quilt to the hospital or treatments with him it will prompt other people to strike up conversations with him about sailing, which he loves to talk about.

Unfortunately that's all the sewing for me this week. Until Tuesday I'm going to be spending all my time communing with my 20lb Patho textbook. Bleh.

Linking to Judy's Design Wall Monday.


  1. The Split 9 blocks look awesome together. According to the post office you should get mine sometime today, I hope. Oh, the sailing quilt made me tear up. What a wonderful story. I'm sure every time he uses it, not only will he think of all the wonderful adventures he has had, but also of the sweet loving nurse that made it for him. Beautiful story.

  2. Love the Split nine blocks. The sailing quilt is so thoughtful and I am sure will bring a lot of comfort.
    I don't think your sentence at the bottom of the post should say 'unfortunately'- to achieve what you did with working and studying as great.

  3. My February blocks should go out this weekend. Waiting on March's block

  4. Oh Kat that sailing quilt is wonderful .... What an amazing thing you have done for this man. My Dad was Only diagnosed once his had mets in the bones and he lived for another 7 years so I hope this gentleman has many years to enjoy this most precious gift you have given him.

  5. The sailing quilt IS wonderful, and what a great connection you made with that man. I think you are doing wonderful things with your work and your quilts. I also loved the Split 9 patch quilt on your wall! I put some in the mail to you yesterday (2/19) and hopefully they will arrive soon.

  6. What a wonderful gift to make that sailor a quilt. There are just no words for such a kind gesture. I love the meaningfulness of the sail quilt but the blue and green string diamonds quilt top is stunning. Thanks so much for sharing your quilt love. I'm new to your blog but it seems from the comments that you collect blocks. Is that correct? What are you looking for? Perhaps I can lend a hand.

  7. What a wonderful gift to make that sailor a quilt. There are just no words for such a kind gesture. I love the meaningfulness of the sail quilt but the blue and green string diamonds quilt top is stunning. Thanks so much for sharing your quilt love. I'm new to your blog but it seems from the comments that you collect blocks. Is that correct? What are you looking for? Perhaps I can lend a hand.

  8. String Diamonds reminds me of a quilt I made in the past for my husband but instead the blocks were placed in a way to create a zig-zag. It looks lovely!

  9. What a lovely story and quilt you've made for the sailor.

  10. The February quilt looks GREAT!! Funny how I can't pick out the block that I sent. LOL
