
Friday, June 17, 2016

100+ Quilts for Covered in Love

Yes, that's right, Covered in Love just surpassed the 100 quilt mark!  Even more have been donated, but I base my official count off the ones I've taken up to the hospital to be passed out and with today's drop off we reached 104!!!  When I launched this charity in January of 2015 this was beyond my wildest dreams.  I delivered the first quilts on April 1st, 2015 and thanks to a lot of help things have grown and grown and grown.

This is a little late, but I'm showing off the second Covered in Love March quilt.  If you remember way back in March we made eye-spy novelty fabric blocks.  Everyone was so generous to send in such cool blocks, I was able to made two great quilts (you can see the first one here).  This second quilt is a tad bigger at 60"x70".  Great fun, interesting fabrics in this quilt, 168 of them!

Covered in Love gives comfort quilts to the patients of families who pass away in the hospital.  They way things usually work is that I make and gather quilts at home, then take them up to the hospital chaplains who pass them out.  Used to be I'd take 5 or 6 quilts at a time, now its closer to 20.  They used to pass out quilts as fast as I could bring them, now thanks to the H2H quilt drive we have a bit of a stash built up.

The Hands to Help quilts have been pouring in.  Thank you to Sara, Louise, Heidi, Selina, Myra, Julie and Irene, Paulette, Sandi, Marie, Amanda, Sherry, Judy, Teri, and of course Sarah who organized all this. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to CiL, this is your victory as much as mine :)

Our June block drive is going on now if you would like to contribute.  This month we're making a fairly traditionally designed, sunny quilt block in yellow and blue.  These block drives are a great way to sew at your pace, try different blocks, and help us out! Make as many or as few as you, every block helps.  Comment or email me at for a mailing address.

Linking to Crazy Mom Quilts Finish it Friday.


  1. I am SO PROUD OF YOU! Life throws so many curves... and it is so easy to toss "it" in the "WIP" pile. Your dedication is an inspiration to us all and a true gift to their recipients.

  2. What a fantastic achievement. You are doing something amazing and touching the hearts of so many people. Also well done to all that have contributed.

  3. Congratulations on reaching (and surpassing) the 100 quilt mark!! I am pleased to be part of the program that you so generously give your time and energy to continue.

  4. Kat, that is a wonderful accomplishment! I am sure the people you have blessed with quilts are very comforted by them. I am so pleased I've been able to participate!

  5. Thank you for the organization. This Kansas girl loves it that she can send a little love to Texas.

  6. Thank you for the organization. This Kansas girl loves it that she can send a little love to Texas.

  7. Covered In Love is so wonderful. I was so happy to donate a quilt, and will be sending another quilt to you as soon as possible.

  8. Congratulations!
    Ladies, you are really wonderful!
    Keep up the good work!

  9. Oh, Kat, this is such a wonderful milestone! Over 100 families have felt the power of love from strangers in their time of deepest sadness. You should be so, so proud of your work.

  10. What a great organization and so very nice of you!

  11. Well done to you and all of your helpers - that is such a great achievement and so much comfort will have been given.
