
Friday, May 5, 2017

Misc. and a Cat in a Box

Happy weekend quilters!  There wasn't a finish this week but I have been busy.  In fact, I just put together fabrics for 9(!) quilt backings!  Some of those tops have gone to volunteer quilters and some are in my to-be-quilted stack.  Thanks again to those of you who have sent in backing fabrics. It makes such a difference to be able to make backings from larger yardage cuts!

Jannette from Canada sent in 4 beautiful tops and 3 large backing cuts.  Crazy Eyes (aka Rory) was more interested in the box, of course.  I also pieced a top last week from hand-dyed fabrics that Jean sent.  I did a braid pattern and ended up deciding to applique the edges onto the background fabric rather than cut them off.  I really like the zigzags that the raw edges make.

By the way, thanks to everybody who wished Rey a happy birthday.  I passed along your well wishes. She sure is a spoiled girl!

Linking to Design Wall Monday.


  1. Love that braid quilt, and of course the kitty.

  2. That's a cool way to do a braid quilt! And smart to do smaller sections like that. I would have cut a giant, backing-sized piece of the black and appliqued onto it, which would have been kinda wasteful.
