
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Love for Jack's Basket

Jack's Basket is my new favorite charity! They provide gift baskets to families welcoming new babies with Down Syndrome.  Back in June some of you made little quilts to send to them. Elana sent me a top, backing, batting and binding to finish and I sent it in with one of mine.

I was so excited to see Elana's quilt had found its baby! See the quilt in the basket? What a gorgeous baby! It's nice to do some sewing from time to time that isn't for Covered in Love.

Elana's pretty, bright string quilt
I inherited a bolt of grey jersey a while back from my mom, intended for a project that never materialized.  I decided to combine it with my stash of fleece and minky remnants and make baby blankets.

I made 3 large blankets, about 40"x55", using the fleece blanket braided edge technique

And I made 10 smaller blankets about 36" square with raw edges. Since neither fleece or jersey ravel I just used a triple zigzag around the edge.

Having a new baby with Down Syndrome can be surprising, scary, and isolating. Jack's Basket delivers more than blankets, toys, and literature: they deliver hope.  Baskets, and more importantly, the volunteers who deliver them, assure families that they aren't alone, that their baby is beautiful, and that their baby has a bright future.

I've got a couple yards left on the bolt of jersey, so I plan to make some more blankets before too long, but for now I put these in the mail. 

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 300 so far! The Sept/Oct drive is a repeat of one of my old favorites, the grown-up eye-spy quilt.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Another worthy cause. The fleece blankets are adorable. I love that braided edge, better than tying knots. So cute!

  2. Isn't it fun to work with bright, happy baby fabrics? Jack's Basket is a great cause and the people who run it are so upbeat and supportive, perfect to bring the message of hope and love :)

  3. Kat, Thank you again for all your help with quilting my baby blanket donation. You have inspired me by introducing Jack's Basket. I need to reach out and see if there's a way I can help locally. You made my day when I saw today's blog post mention my little contribution. It feels so good to give to a cause that's so meaningful, and that goes to both CIL and JB.

  4. What a beautiful quilt Elana made for Jack's Basket. Baby C. is going to love that quilt with all the bright colors. Kat, your fleece blankets look so soft & cuddly for new babies. Thanks for sharing the pictures & for the reminder post of Jack's Basket....such a good cause!

  5. Cute quilt for the baby. So good of you to donate the blankets.

  6. I read about Jack's Basket this summer and love what they do. These fleece and minkie blankets will be great for them, and such wonderful softness. I have some squares on my planning table to make to send you. I have to go find your address again in the next couple of weeks! What you do is also important. Love us as we come into the world, love us as we go out.

  7. My heart is soft and squishy for the DS community, so I really appreciate being introduced to this charity. : )

  8. Thanks for sharing that cool binding tutorial for knits!! I have several panels that will look great with this type edge.
