
Thursday, January 10, 2019

What to do with a modest baby?

A friend of mine is expecting a new baby soon, and so far the little scamp has kept their bits covered during the ultrasounds. I suppose they are modest?

I started off to make a gender neutral baby quilt using my 60 degree triangle ruler and pulling a color scheme to match this Van Gogh fabric I've had a long time.

In the end, I decided that one was too boy-ish. So I made a little girl quilt, pulling colors from a southwestern flamingo fabric I've had a long time. I think I must have found it in a remnant bin?

I found a bunch of too-cute fabrics for the front and some fat quarters to make the backing.  Once the mystery baby makes their debut the other quilt will be sent to Jack's Basket to celebrate another beautiful baby.  I delivered the quilts, along with an addressed envelope for Jack's Basket, to the Grandma-to-be over Christmas so she can take them to the birth.

Over the holidays I had about 3 weeks of downtime. A great opportunity to be surrounded by family, friends, dogs, and babies. I drank a lot of coffee, slept late, took the dogs for long walks and read a whole bunch of books.  Now I'm back home and back to work and gradually getting back into the swing of sewing.  I hope your holidays were also restful and enjoyable and your new year is off to a good start :)

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 400 so far! The Jan/Feb drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. When my brother's daughter-in-law was pregnant, her tech told her that she tells the gender of the baby by an extra bone in the scan of a baby girl - she does not look for the genitalia of the baby. And she was absolutely correct on her identification of the gender of the baby. I forget how old the little girl is now. I know she's at least in the second grade. Then when she was pregnant again, the tech (I don't know if it was the sam one) correctly identified boy/girl twins. Either way, beautiful quilts were made and will be put to good use! Thanks for sharing yiour beautiful work.

  2. I love your quilts and that edgy border is fabulous! I think they are both so colorful and fun. Either way this baby will have a wonderful gift. I have about 4 or 5 tops finished for Jack's basket. I just need to get around to quilting them. You've started me loving that organization. Thank you for sharing these beauties!!

  3. What a great idea to keep the border ziggity zaggity! It would be fun to bind that on a baby quilt, but probably a bit tedious on anything much bigger. I'm sure both super cute quilts will be well loved and appreciated. Glad you had a restful holiday season. You deserve it, my friend :)

  4. Those are both adorable - love that van gogh backing - its beautiful!

  5. Hi Kat! This will be one lucky baby and momma, too. Either one of them will be well love and received, plus they will feel all the love you stitched into them. Happy Friday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Welcome back home & to sewing. Those two quilts are precious. I've never seen "ziggity zaggity" borders like that before. It really looks neat. Sounds like you had a great & relaxing holiday. I'm loving that furry dog picture!

  7. Great idea - make two quilts and donate one to another baby. They are both bright and cheerful. I'm sure the baby and their grandma will love it!

  8. Providing TWO quilts, along with a pre-addressed envelope for Jack's Basket SEW smart!! Such a thoughtful thing to do (when Baby is being shy.)

  9. Lucky baby either way. The quilts are both gorgeous!
