
Thursday, June 27, 2019

String Drive 2019: Round 1

Happy weekend, quilters! The first round of string quilts from the Jan/Feb drive are ready for show and tell. All these quilts were assembled and quilted by volunteers other than me.  (Thanks ladies!)

This year's string drive was extremely successful, with over 700 blocks sent in.  I'm expecting we'll eventually have something like 25 finished quilts.

A few folks have volunteered to help finish quilts from this blocks drive again.  Tammy S. made these two quilts from donated blocks and backing that I shipped to her. 

These last two quilts were assembled by Nancy and quilted by her friend Jenn. 

Nancy always does creative things with the blocks I send to her and Jenn has a long arm for quilting.

Beautiful backing fabrics donated by volunteers!

These blue blocks were sent in by Jeanine, assembled by Nancy, and quilted by Jenn. I'm counting them as part of the block drive, since they were sent around the same time.

Thank you Nancy, Jenn, Jeanine, Tammy, and everyone who has sent in backings and blocks to the drive! Looking forward to many more quilts from another successful string drive!

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. AWESOME set of quilts for the cause, Kat!!

  2. All the quilts are beautiful & will be warmth & comfort to those who receive them. I love how Nancy "thinks out of the box" when it comes to putting quilts together. Those separations are perfect for the quilt. Thanks to so many wonderful volunteers who are helping you piece, put together, quilt, bind, donate, etc. these quilts for CiL.

  3. Wow! Especially loving the blue/ green quilt

  4. Gorgeous !!!! I spy several of my blocks - and i think i STILL have strings from those fabrics in my bin !!!!

  5. Super group of quilts! So many scraps, so many loving hands. Thank you to everyone who helped bring these quilts to life :)

  6. Wonderful post! Those log cabin (?) string blocks are so pretty! Don't the blue ones remind you of the ocean? Just lovely!
