
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nettie's Sweet Quilts

I've got three sweet quilts finished this week. Nettie sent in several tops and these three are the first ones I've gotten done.

This plus quilt is packed full of adorable Heather Ross scraps.  Octopuses and matrioshka dolls and bicycles and fish!

I took lots of close up pictures of the cute fabrics.

Next up, another sweet scrappy quilt with strings.

I made up backings from donated fabrics and stippled these quilts. I'm able to do one each night after work.

Lastly, a really awesome non-scrappy quilt.

Really rich colors in this lattice weave sort of pattern. Love it! 

Thanks to Nettie and those of your who have donated fabrics for backings and bindings to Covered in Love!

...and instead of a cat picture, you finally get a work in progress picture from the little house! First big project was taking out he ceiling over the kitchen and lofting it to make it taller.

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 400 so far! The July/August drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Your little house is going to be soooo great! And Nettie's quilts are wonderfully diverse and lovely! I can get a piece quilted and bound in about an evening's time, too, but piecing up backings seems to take forever. Donations of large yardage really help, don't they? Glad you're getting some of those!

  2. Beautiful quilts! I especially love the plus quilt. It is so colorful and looks like Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Chain design with a different setting.

  3. Awesome donations and some progress on your house... LOVE!!!

  4. Wow! All three quilts are very cool
    Love your space:)

  5. The quilts look wonderful and will certainly comfort those who receive them.

  6. What happy bright quilts! Love the house pic!!!!

  7. What great looking donated tops. With the help from your supporters you seem to never lack for something to do. Thanks to Nettie for her tops for CiL.
    Love the progress picture of your little house. I'm getting excited for you and your new adventure.
