
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Count the Stars: Round 3

During the COVID 19 pandemic Covered in Love continues to make quilts to support grieving families when relatives pass away in the hospital. This is something that will, unfortunately, probably become even more necessary in the coming weeks and months. When loved ones pass with limited or no visitation and there can be no funeral or viewing of the body something tangible to hold onto to mark the transition becomes even more important.

We are not, as an organization, sewing masks, gowns, or other personal protective equipment at this time.  Many other organizations are filling that role and so CiL will continue with the mission we have had from the beginning.

Quarantine sewing continues here! I hope you aren't all going too bored and stir crazy in your homes and you're staying SAFE.  As you can tell from the sunshine in these photos, they weren't taken anytime recently.  It's been raining and raining and raining... quarantine would be less painful if I could wander outside.

Yes, I am still working on wrapping up last year's star drive blocks; I'm nearly done.  Tammy S. has been helping out, she assembled and quilted the top two quilts on this page. You can see her cool star quilting pattern on the picture above.

Tammy added a narrow red sashing to this batch which changed their look completely!

This group of blocks with mostly light backgrounds were sewn up and quilted by me and photographed on a rainy day. 

This bonus quilt top of strings came from Cynthia D. and I added some border blocks from Holly.  I had the perfect backing fabric to go with it, too!

All the remaining star quilts are at the top stage and ready to be quilted one day soon!

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 500 so far! The March/April drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Perfection! I love the antique cars on the fun! Glad you're staying occupied and keeping the kitties company :)

  2. I especially like that string quilt. :-) Glad you're able to stay home and sew!

  3. Looks like you are getting in a lot of sewing time. Hope you are staying as safe as possible & thank you so much for all you do in the hospital ....helping others during this time is such an unselfish act of love. The star quilts are gorgeous & thanks to you, Tammy S., Cynthia D. & Holly for such help with this batch of beauties.

  4. The star blocks continue to amaze me! Great job to you and all your angel helpers,

  5. I love the star quilt with mostly light backgrounds! So pretty!

  6. I really like that string block quilt. The dark strings on the sides really set it off. I cut pieces for the March/April blocks yesterday and will be sewing them as leaders and enders with a quilt along project I'm trying to finish.

  7. What a bunch of lovely quilts. So glad the kitties have a place to sit and look out the window... they are darlings!

  8. All those quilts are just beautiful. It is amazing the thought, time and patience that have gone into these. Thank you so much for all that you .
