
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Love Bombs

Someone from North Dakota is love bombing CiL with quilts anonymously.  This is the second time I have received quilts with no note enclosed, my address as the return address, and no other information.

I can tell by the tacking number that they originated in Bismarck, ND.  So thank you, whoever you are. Your quilts arrived safely and they're lovely!

I really like the rainbow variegated thread used in the chain quilt. 

The second quilt is a neat sampler of vintage patterns and fabrics in pastels. 

Beautiful! They've been labeled and added to the next delivery for the hospital.  

Sundae is fiercely guarding this pile of quilts! Or it's just possible she's yawning.

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 700 so far! During March/April we are supporting the Hands2Help Challenge instead of our normal block drive.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Both quilts are SEW beautiful, Kat. Lucky thing you've got that fierce guard kitty to protect them!!

  2. How beautiful!! Many thanks to the anonymous quilter for donating these lovely pieces!

  3. I’m especially fond of the first one, but they are both beautiful! Wasn’t that a special “bomb”?

  4. I remember last summer when you received some anonymous quilts from North Dakota. What a nice surprise that must have been this past week. Unexpected mail can be a real blessing for CiL. Thanks so much to the quilter who sent those on to you. Sundae is working double duty...QC Inspector & guard cat!

  5. The quilts are beautiful and a wonderful surprise. Many blessings to the anonymous quilter for their generosity!

  6. I love it!! a Love bomb!! how cool - and they are gorgeous!!

  7. What a lovely surprise! Both of the beautiful quilts show they were made with a lot of loving care.

  8. Such beautiful anonymous quilts!!!
