
Thursday, June 3, 2021

UFO Rehab Graduates

Happy weekend, quilters! And how the heck did June get here already??  I've got more donated tops finished into quilts to show.  With these delivered up to the hospital recently CiL pushed up to 831 total quilts!

Linda B. sent in this plus top with the interesting pattern.

This really bright brick top came from Linda H.

This southwestern log cabin top that mixes solids with a novelty-print of peppers and onions was sent in by Barb H.

Proof that if you hang onto a backing fabric long enough (on the right), the perfect top will come along.

I had to get a close up of the mini log cabin cornerstones. 

Marianne K sent in this soft, pretty top with butterflies. I had a beautiful fabric that looked like Monet's water lilies to use on the back.

This charm pack quilt with coffee-themed fabrics came from Johanna.

I got these pictures several weeks ago with a sheet stretched out on the ground under a tree.  The same spot is a complete mud pit right now, so I'm praying for dry sunny weather so I can get some pictures again.

Katie D sent in this little green top with backing.

Tina C sent in this cool modern sampler top in solid colors. 

Each of the eight quilts in today's post was an "only child". Meaning that, at least, for now I only had one from that quilter finished. 

Last but certainly not least! Mary O sent in these friendship stars in the bright blue and red plaid.

Whew! 8 awesome quilts! I am still in quilt clearing-house mode.  As I said, we've reached 831 quilts. That count marks how many have been transported up to the hospital. There are actually many more finished here which will be in the next drop off.  The chaplains gave away several last week and we got some sweet notes. I post notes online when I have permission, and whenever I can connect a note or story to a specific quilter I make sure to share it with them. 

Thank you to all of you for all your help! 

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 800 so far! During May/June Tammy is hosting our block drive on her blog.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. What beautiful quilts. I especially like that bright log cabin. It's bound to comfort.

  2. Eight awesome quilts, Kat!! All so different. All so needed for Covered in Love!

  3. Wonderful quilt donations! Each one will find the perfect family to comfort! Thanks to you, for all your hard work!

  4. What a beautiful assortment of donation quilts for a worthy cause!

  5. Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous group! Impossible to choose a favorite. I love bright colors and this batch is filling the world with sunshine. I know the families will treasure them :)

  6. Some wonderful quilts here and some good ideas for easily constructed block possibilities for future quilts. I have a ton of floral scraps to use up and that bricks style looks to be a fast finish.
