
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Johanna and the Longarmers

We got some BIG quilts back recently that had been sent out to longarmers.  These tops were all made by Johanna and Tammy quilted this one.

This great big top was quilted by Ray in Florida. I love how I can always identify Johanna's tops by the colors and fabrics.

This slightly more tame to was also quilted by Tammy. Thanks guys! 

We've had a little bit of cat drama around here. Fluffy (who I used to call Rey, but honestly we've only ever called her Fluffy)  went missing for a couple days and came back with a badly broken leg that had to be amputated.

It has been almost 2 weeks since surgery and she's doing really well. She's up walking around the house and jumping onto furniture like usual and her prickly attitude has returned. We're relieved that she's home and safe!

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 800 so far! The July/August drive is running now, check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. I'm so sorry about your Fluffy. If she could talk, I'm sure there's a story in there. I used to worry for animals with amputated legs but have discovered that they do quite well. Once she is healed, she will be jumping around like old times. I'm so impressed with all the quilts flowing in. What a wonderful community you've established!!

  2. Oh Fluffy! Snuggles and head scritches and all the treats you want from now on! And no more wild adventures, please! I'm glad to know she is home safe and healing well, but how scary. The quilts are beautiful, too!

  3. Oh no, poor Fluffy. I am so glad she found her way back home. She looks terrific! The quilts have a very fresh and cheery vibe. Quilters are so generous, and so are you.

  4. Awesome quilts! So glad that Fluffy found her way home and is recovering from her injury/surgery, Kat. Poor, kitty!!!

  5. Hope your kitty continues to enjoy life in her perfectly grouchy way.

  6. Johanna does make beautiful quilts. I'm so thankful that you have quilters who have stepped up to the plate to help you with all that quilting. Thanks to Tammy & Ray for the wonderful quilting that they do for CiL.
    So very sorry to hear about Fluffy (Rey)but so glad that she was able to make it back home after the injury & the vet was able to help her through the tough time. I remember that she always had what I call "cattitude". She looks like she's recovering very well. Maybe she will stay home now.

  7. Oh my! So glad Fluffy made it home and is recovering! How scary for you and her! Hugs!

  8. We had an old tomcat name Doug who lost a leg. He was just as speedy afterwards. I remember seeing him chasing a stray cat across our yard, driving that cat out of his territory! We live on a farm so all our cats are barn cats. Only having 3 legs didn't slow him down at all! Beautiful quilts, they'll bring comfort to families in pain.

  9. That sounds like a band name!! haha - great quilt
    Poor kitty! I have a 3 legged one too and he gets on just like the rest of the cats - so here's to a fast healing and back to normal for kitty!

  10. I love the colors in Johanna's quilts! Ray does great work; I've sent him tops to finish, too. Glad to hear that Rey, who is Fluffy, is doing well as a tri-pod :)
