
Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christmas Eve Quilts

Some spring-y quilts for the cold Christmas eve!  I'm making the rounds visiting family, Christmas is my favorite!

Only two quilts today, these were both quilted by Linda. I wanted to show some closeups of the quilting because it's brilliant.   This beautiful batik top came from Christine B, it's butterfly themed.  Look at the lower left corner where the sun is hitting to see the true colors of the border.

There was an additional outer border with large rainbow batik butterflies, but we decided since it made the quilt so large to save that and make a second quilt. So stay tuned for that!

Picture of the quilting from the back, so you can see it. I thought this motif was perfect!

This sampler quilt came from Marianne and Linda decided to do custom quilting on it with her computerized long arm. 

She did this by choosing complimentary designs for each area and programming them over each small section of the quilt.  Honestly it's stunning, totally a work of art.  

I really love this. Obviously some quilters can freehand beautiful designs, some of you may have been around long enough to remember when Judy used to do work on CiL quilts, and others use acrylic rulers. I admire those folks, but I can't do either of those things. I'm queen of the stipple.  

This is a kind of detailed quilting that I can relate to because it's more about math and scaling and computer programming than artistic ability.  It's still creative and requires skill and thought, but it feels approachable, like something I might be able to do one day.

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 800 so far! The September/October drive is running now, check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Merry Christmas, Kat! And thanks from the heart for all the wonderful work you do!

  2. Gorgeous pieces! The quilting is stunning! Merry Christmas to everyone who touches lives through Covered in Love :)

  3. Beautiful!! what a bold impact that top one has!

  4. Love seeing the beautiful quilts. The top one, a quarter log cabin??? Love it. And the sampler, too. What beautiful quilting!! Kat, you are an angel to be doing such work with CIL and your nursing duties. Looking forward to joining in again at the start of the next campaign. Sending all the best for 2022. xo

  5. Gorgeous quilting! I will try to make some of these simple blocks. It's about all I'm capable of right now!

  6. Those two quilts are beautiful & the quilting on both is totally over the top! I've never been able to master free motion quilting and my stippling has been a challenge for me with all those "eyelashes" on the back but someday I would like to try my hand a ruler work. Thanks so very, much for all who help CiL in so many different ways. Some of you are up front & we see what you do almost every week & there are others who we never see or know about...the silent majority. I am so thankful to every single participate in CiL. Hugs to you ALL!!!

  7. SEW pretty, Kat!! Funny, though, were you thought of the quilting as approachable, I thought it would be impossible. Computers and I don't always get along!

  8. So beautiful quilts! My impression is that the quilts you receive are getting more and more beautiful!
    Wishing you a bright and beautiful festive season filled with love and joy!

  9. Wow - such beauties with beautiful quilting!
