
Saturday, March 11, 2023

Down Time

Hello quilters :) I'm still kicking. I didn't realize another Friday had passed until a couple of you emailed to check on me.  I'm hoping to get back to regular updates soon; there was a confluence of running out of quilt photos, bad weather that kept me from taking more, and then a couple rough weeks at work.  

(I'm making this post from my phone, so I apologize for wonky formatting. Click on the pics to make them bigger).

This week I've been in Santa Fe visiting family and resting.  They tell me that this week spring weather has arrived, but it's still below freezing at night and snow drifts hang on in the shade. It's a nice contrast to Texas.

As some of you know, and others have guessed, the past 3 years have been difficult ones for me. I've had some very major stressors in my personal life for whatever reason it seems to have caught up to me moreso since Christmas.   

I still have blocks from the Tall 9s and tops from last year's string drive to complete, not to mention many tops you've graciously sent in. I want to keep the drives on hold until I'm at least somewhat caught up and feel like I have forward momentum again. Several wonderful supporters including Cynthia, Louise and Linda are helping, but if anyone else wants to help assemble and/or quilt send me an email. 

CiL has plenty of finished quilts at the moment, so I will be able to continue supplying the hospitals at our current rate for quite a while before that becomes a concern. 

In the meanwhile, I'd love it if you'd support Cynthia's charity, which is similar to ours. She is running block drives every 3 months and the most recent one just started. Click here to see what's up. I know better than anyone how encouraging it is to get blocks in your mailbox, as well as bonus donations like cash, backing fabric, and prepped bindings. You all have taken care of me for years and I'm excited for Cynthia to find out first hand just how wonderful the quilting community is.

As for me, I'm not doing great, but I'm ok. I'm taking care of myself and taking time to figure out what's next. I made a couple of personal quilts recently, which is something I hadn't done in ages. 

I wasn't a responsible adult and didn't get porch-cat (now called Squeaky) spayed in time, so we have kittens and they are a snuggly squishy delight. (She'll be spayed as soon as they're weaned). I'm having lots of flashbacks to when Fudge and Sundae were this size and I was bottle feeding around the clock.

Thank you for your support and concern. Things with CiL will be back on track soon enough, maybe changed slightly. In the meantime I'm incredibly proud of the community we've built which continues to send in finished quilts and support each other and me. 


  1. It sure was good to see your post, Kat. Please take care of yourself. CiL is still strong with all those stored quilts to give away & the sideline help that you are receiving. Take the time you need to recover & get back to where you need to be. Those little kittens just warmed my heart. I counted 5 little sweeties. Hugs to you & yours!!!

  2. What a wonderful quilt you made for your friend and I'm SEW glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself, Kat!

  3. I've also been struggling the past 3 years and felt less alone when reading your words. Thanks for sharing and take good care!

  4. Sending you supportive thoughts and cyber hugs! Glad you have real-life kittens to help you feel better :)

  5. Please take care of yourself. You are in a very difficult field in a very difficult time. Take the time to reflect and think. Maybe find a support group so you don't have to go it alone and then benefit from other's wisdom. Yesterday, I was at a conference and many of the people who were there were long term health care workers who were fired because of the vax. By finding each other at the conference, they were greatly encouraged and uplifted and made plans to meet and talk. Just drop a photo or two at times to let us know you are ok.

  6. Kat you are your first priority! Take care of yourself.

  7. Precious kitties and even more precious quilt you made , just gorgeous

  8. Sending some warm, virtual hugs! Take care of yourself. xo
