
Friday, May 17, 2013

Shrapnel {Blogger's Quilt Festival}

It's that time of the year again, The Blogger's Quilt Festival!  This time we can enter two quilts in different categories.  This is my entry for the scrap quilts category, Shrapnel.  The name refers to the triangular scraps the quilt is made from, because essentially scraps are quilting shrapnel :)

This is my version of Amanda Jean's "Up Up and Away" quilt in the book Sunday Morning Quilts.  I keep a jar of triangular scraps on my desk.  Mainly there are the 2.5" triangles left over from making binding, but there are also lots of other odd sized triangles.  I and was astonished to find that my scrap jar provided more than enough triangles for the quilt! No square, rectangular, or otherwise useable scraps were harmed in the making of this quilt.

Due to the many seam lines and geometric nature of the design I opted to straight line quilted horizontally and vertically parallel to the seam lines.  The fabrics in this quilt are a complete mix of color and textures from most every project I've ever made. Making it was a trip down memory lane :)  The quilt is 64" square and contains over 900 triangles.

Read more about this quilt here and here.  I am entering this quilt in the Scrap Quilts category at the Blogger's Quilt Festival. You can also see my other entry in the two-color quilt category here.  Be sure to go check out all the other entrants and vote for your favorite!


  1. :o)
    Truly gorgeous!!

  2. Gorgeous quilt, and and great way to use up those scraps!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous scrappy quilt!

  4. Wow! That is a crazy number of triangles in one quilt! And what a way to use every last bit of fabric. I love it!

    xo -E

  5. Fantastic - I love the shadow of a trip around the world design that the setting gives off, and the subtlety of it. Great name!

  6. Beautiful quilt, love its motion!!

  7. Love the off centre design, the energy, and admire your discipline in saving all those triangles.

  8. Awesome scrap quilt! What a great layout and use of even tiny little pieces!

  9. What a great way of using up odd-sized triangles; looks great.

  10. I love the multi-sized triangles. I love that this is all done from your triangle scraps. I love your layout. Love this quilt!
