
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hot and Cold Corners

Happy Halloween quilters!  We are entering America's big holiday season, so I thought for the next block drive we'd run it from now until the end of December.  Most of us are traveling a lot and/or hosting relatives over the holidays and I know that limits sewing time.

The Covered in Love block drives make quilts for the families of patients who pass away at a hospital in Texas.  I run a new drive every month or so and anyone can participate.  This time we're going to be making blocks with flip and sew corners. There are many ways to make these corners, I outline my method below but if you have one that works for you already, go with it!

First off you will need to cut (4) 6.5" squares of white/cream/off -white or otherwise low volume fabrics. You may want to cut these about an 1/8th inch fat to give yourself wiggle room later.

You'll also need (8) small-medium scrap triangles, half in warm colors (red/orange/yellow) and half in cold (green/blue/purple).  The cut offs from making binding are great for this.   I have a whole big ol' jar of scrap triangles I am always looking for ways to use!

To make your flip corners, take one triangle and lay it over the corner of the larger square.  Don't line up the outside (90 degree) corner of the triangle perfectly with the square underneath. Scoot it out just a bit to give yourself wiggle room.

Place a piece of paper or thin cardboard (like a book mark) onto the square and line it up so it just touches the edge of the triangle.

Carefully, without moving the paper, remove the triangle and place on a ruler aligned with the paper.  Extend past the paper by 1/2" inch and cut there.

Oh look, we made another scrap triangle! Suddenly this seems like a self defeating cycle...

Flip the triangle right side down onto the square, center it and sew a quarter inch seam.

Repeat with a warm triangle on the opposite corner, press, and trim back to 6.5" square.

Sew your four squares with the flip corners into a 12.5" block with the cool colors together in the center.

(Edited to Add: View finished quilts here)

If you want to participate in the block drive I'd love to have you! You can make any number of blocks you like.  Email or leave a comment (make sure I can contact you!) for a mailing address.

Linking to Oh Scrap!


  1. Those look like fun! I'll be making some, sometime this month!

  2. Another great block Kat. What a great way to use those odd shaped scraps. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. Fun! I do have some scrappy triangles around!

  4. Boy, the month just flew by. Here you are posting a new block of the month, whew!

    I don't keep scrap triangles, but it's easy enough to make them from scrap rectangles! This will be a fun block to make.

  5. I've been saving off-cut triangles for ages!! I'm glad to have something to do with them. Will definitely make time to sew a block or two (or 10!)

  6. It never ceases to amaze me what comes out of scraps. Nice work.

  7. How did I miss this post the other day. I'm in for a few again this month.
