
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Assembling Strings

I have a confession to make dear blog readers... much of what you've seen here in the past month or so actually took place in September and October. In fact, except for a brief visit at Thanksgiving (when I got to meet my new toy, made stockings, and took the chaplains a resupply of quilts) I haven't been home since before Halloween.  I know! Time seems to have flown by.

got to enjoy GORGEOUS fall leaves, something we don't really get in Texas
Normally when I go out of town I have enough content scheduled to cover me until I get back but this trip was unexpectedly extended by a baby who decided she was much more cozy where she was and saw no need to exit mom's tummy. What have I been up to, you may ask?

My kitchen assistants
Well, I've been in Illinois, aka The Frozen North, working for some friends to help run their boarding house.  I've been foster parent, cook, and chauffeur for 8 high schoolers and one young adult with Down Syndrome (and 10 chickens and 2 dogs). 

Shortly after I got here in October.  I got to carry the baby!!!
I've also been visiting with my college buddy and fellow quilter Libby and her precious new baby (not the same slow-poking baby I mentioned before). Recently it has gotten downright freezing cold and it's snowing some days. Fortunately I came back prepared for the cold after Thanksgiving with a proper coat, scarf, and gloves. Snow is still novel and magical. Hopefully that won't wear off before I go home!

winning the award for Cutest Baby in a Bear Snow-suit
Since Libby obviously isn't doing much sewing lately what with the new baby and all she loaned me her sewing machine.  At Thanksgiving I brought back all 300+ October block drive string blocks with me and have been busy assembling them.

So far I have 6 tops done of an estimated 8.  My room up here has begun to look suspiciously like my room at home!

Covered in Love continues, where ever I am at :)   Remember, the "hot and cold corners" block drive is still going on through Christmas.  My mail is being taken in and sorted at home, so if you want to sew along and send in blocks please do!  I'll be home right about Christmas and get caught up on everything.  Thank you for all your support this year, Merry Christmas!

Linking to Oh Scrap!


  1. Merry Christmas! Sounds like you have lots of wonderful people (and babies!) in your life! I sew on the same sewing machine. It's great for piecing!

  2. What?!?! TOO funny! I can't believe you were so sneaky, but glad that you were able to help a friend (and enjoy proper Autumn leaves.)

  3. Adorable baby and what a lucky lady you are to be with her. Thank you for the holiday card. What a lovely surprise. I am teaching middle schoolers quilting and we are going to embark on string quilts after the holiday. I struggled with making it more complicated for them, but I recall making the blocks for you and they were so fun. Why change something that was great as it is!! I can't wait to see all the quilts and what you have in store for next month. All the best and I wish you a lovely holiday and Happy new year.

  4. Sounds like you're on quite an adventure! I'm sure your friend truly appreciates your help, stepping in to wrangle so many kids and animals. You're a good egg, Kat :)

    The string blocks look great all lined up together. Those are going to be fun quilts!

    Happy holidays!

  5. Merry Christmas Kat! You are one busy girl. I can't wait to see those string quilts. You know they are my favorites. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
