
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Christy's Cozy Quilts

Another week celebrating a quilter who supports Covered in Love. Christy from west Texas has sent in quite a few tops.  Many of them are made with shirtings and I LOVE them. So cozy looking!

Men's shirts have a great variety of patterns and textures and make a very inviting quilt, suitable for a man or woman.

Most of these were quilted by me with a stipple. Thank you to many of you, and most especially Sandra, who have sent in backing fabrics!

When I get a big box of tops like this I can go shopping in my donated fabrics and find the perfect backings.  It is such a relief (in many ways) to not have to worry about shopping for backings.

One thing about quilts made from shirtings, you definitely don't have to worry about the colors running or fabrics shrinking! These have been washed many times over and worn to softness.

These last two were made from regular fabric scraps, not shirts. Those small tumbler blocks make a really beautiful patriotic quilt.

Sometimes CiL strikes a little closer to home than usual. A friend of mine passed away last week. When I heard the news I checked with the chaplains and sure enough, that family was gifted a quilt.

I wish I had been able to do more, but it's a relief to know they were comforted by a quilt. And a good reminder of why we do this-- so no family is alone.  The chaplain said they got the jelly roll race from the bottom of this post and fell in love with the backing. Thank you all who have helped make my dream a reality!

And here's your Weekly Kitten:
Little Leena likes getting high to keep an eye on things

Covered in Love
is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 400 so far! The Nov/Dec drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. As always, some beautiful finishes. You do such a wonderful thing. I’m sorry about your friend.

  2. Beautiful quilts - I love scrappy ones the best! And you're right about not having to worry about recycled plaids running or shrinking. They do look cozy.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. How appropriate that the family received a quilt that you made yourself.

    And many, many thanks to Christy for all these gorgeous pieces! I'm inspired by the tumbler quilt and am eager to try my new tumbler template :)

  4. Prayers for you as you go through this time without your friend. I know the family's quilt will always be special to them knowing that you made it. Christy did a fantastic job on all those quilt tops for you. Thanks to Sandra for the quilt backs. Leena is getting a head start as an apprentice quilt inspector.

  5. Those quilts made from shirtings are SEW cozy! It's good to know that your friend's family received a quilt in their time of sorrow. My condolences.
