
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Eye Spy More Finished Quilts

Hello quilters :) At long last the final two quilts for Covered in Love from last Fall's eye spy block drive are done!

You can see the first six quilts that were finished from this drive here.  We ended up with 8 quilts from that drive. I finished 3 and my local quilter-hero Kathy did the other 5 (including both of the ones on this post).

This is one of my favorite block drives because of the many fun fabrics that will give families something to look at and connect to.

As you can see, we added sashing to extend the last of the blocks to make a large enough quilt.  No blocks leftover from this drive, they were all used!

Thank you to everyone who contributed blocks, backings, bindings, and of course Kathy for assembling and quilting. 

Some of you may remember that back in January I bought a little house. Well, I've been trying to have it moved to my parent's property since then but it has RAINED and rained and rained.  Seriously, every time I thought it was stopping it rained more. We got 7" in one night a couple weeks ago.  The pasture was far too soggy for a big truck to drive across until now. We finally got a dry enough window of time to move the house and it's here! Hallelujah!  Still probably a month or more until I can move in, some renovations and of course utilities have to be hooked up, but the biggest obstacle has been over come.

PS - Covered in Love's address won't be changed by my move since I'm just moving a few hundred feet!

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Cograts! on getting the house moved. These last two Eye Spy quilts look great. Special thanks to Kathy for being your Quilting Angel!!

  2. Isn't it great there are no rules in quilting and we can make up a quilt as we go to make it a size we need:) It seems so much of the country is soggy this spring.

  3. Woo hoo! New house, new house! I just LOVE moving into a new place, and can't wait to see how you arrange and decorate things. The final two Eye Spy quilts look so great. Many thanks to Kathy for her super work :)

  4. Congrats on the new home!!!! How exciting!!!!

  5. Those Eye Spy blocks were some of my favorites to do! It is fun seeing them all together! I, too, am anxious to see how you set up your Tiny House. My daughter moves next month to a Tiny Apartment. She used to say she wanted a Tiny House, now we will see how her "stuff" fits in this newer tinier space! "smile"

  6. Those Eye Spy quilts look fantastic! Angel Kathy did a great job in finishing them up for CiL.
    I've been wondering if you ever got into your new house but now I see progress is on the way. Keep us updated with progress pictures. You are going to be happy in a place of your own.

  7. I quite like the quilt with the sashing. :-) Congrats on finally getting your little house moved. I hope you can make it habitable in as short a time as possible. <3

  8. That's great that it dried up enough to move the house. What wonderful quilts you've shown. I like that pattern, too.

  9. Such fun quilts! Yay for using all the blocks! And very cool that your house is moved.

  10. Can't wait to see what you do with inside of the little house.. So exciting

  11. Those quilts are awesome...wonderful quilting.
    Also moving a house...literally. Good for you and good luck with it all!
