
Thursday, November 21, 2019

String Drive 2019: Round 6 {Wrap-up}

It's time to wrap up this year's Jan-Feb String Block Drive!  Getting done in mid-November is good time for me. It usually takes basically the entire year to get the strings all quilted!

As always, I have MANY people to thank who donated blocks, tops, backing fabrics, rolls of binding, and their time. The first two quilts in this post, above and below, were pieced and quilted from Mina's blocks by Tammy S.

I love this block drive because it's such a quintessential "quilt" design. When most non-quilters imagine a quilt they think of a scrappy one like these. I love all the different fabrics that hide in the quilts.

I also enjoyed trying a different variation on our usual design this year with the big quarter log cabin blocks. I've got a new design in mind for next year, but you'll just have to wait until January to see it!

All but the last 3 of these quilts have already been delivered to the hospital, on their way to new homes.  This drive produced 28 quilts from 81 quilters! (I wrote 27 on the sheet below, but it's actually 28).

So that wraps up the string scraps for 2019, on to 2020!

Latest house update! Bed is installed. You can see there's storage underneath.

The dresser rolls in and out on casters to access the storage.  I'm hunting for the perfect step ladder to reach my bed and all the high shelves.

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 500 so far! The Nov/Dec drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Love these quilts! I've got my strings ready for January :)

  2. They look so great! That’s quite a bed you’re setting up!

  3. Awesome results of the string block drive! They all look so snuggle-worthy :)

  4. Those are so great! I bet it is fun to peek at the fabrics in the blocks as you sew them up!

  5. What a successful string block drive & over 1/2 of the United States cool!!! They are all lovely & will be welcomed by families in need. Thanks to all who had a part in the drive.
    The house is really coming together. I love the dresser pulls away to reveal tons of storage. The top shelves will meet more storage needs. I see a lot of thought & planning is going in to your home.

  6. FANTASTIC quilts!! I'm pleased to have been one of the reasons that North Carolina was colored in on this year's map. SEW happy that you make it easy for us to contribute, Kat!!

  7. WOW!! What a great line up of quilts!!!

  8. I have been saving strings so Nevada can get colored in next year!!!
