
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Everything in its place

No finishes unfortunately this week. I did make a couple of blocks for my do. Good Stitches circle and a few masks.

Meanwhile, I thought you might like to see the CiL master storage center.  This is where blocks go in and quilts, eventually, come out.

I've been putting together tops from the Nov/Dec blocks, nearly done with those.  The kitties have been my faithful assistants.

Sundae doesn't like her new box very much yet. I haven't packed it full enough for her to see over the top comfortably.

Linking to Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Cat storage. So accurate. But don't tell the cat. Once they know what you have planned, they change things up.

  2. A great system and lots of hard work ahead for you (and the cats) :)

  3. You have a very well organized way of organizing your blocks and quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Very impressed with your organization!!! Always wondered how you kept up with everything!!!!

  5. I love seeing organized spaces like this! I wish my piles were that neat and tidy. But then again, orphan blocks tend to get rowdy and unruly and frisky, then they multiply :)

  6. Wow!! It DEFINITELY looks like you could use some Quilting Angels, Kat!!

  7. Cats and labels. LOL Cute. What a lot you have going on.

  8. I too love the Cats and Labels designation! If only that was the only hairy place they would inhabit, and not on top of my projects!

  9. It's so good to see how you are keeping organized with all those blocks, quilts, backs, etc. coming in for CiL. Looks like Fudge is waiting to be labeled & Sundae is waiting for you to fill up that box. I love the hammock for holding those Nov/Dec tops. You really have found a good way to keep things in order. Thanks for sharing your secrets with us.
