
Thursday, May 14, 2020

A little reminder...

Jan/Feb string blocks quilt sent in by Tammy S

I got a nice reminder of why we do what we do a last week in the form of an email from a recipient's family member. She graciously gave me permission to share part of her letter with you.

A.'s mom received a very sudden and unexpected cancer diagnosis and died just 11 days after getting the news, 9 of those days spent in the hospital under lockdown with only one family member able to visit.

Village quilt sent in by Mina

A. sent me a kind email to ask for information so donations could be made to Covered in Love in lieu of flowers. She said,
"Your quilt was a very special gift, as my mom’s mother and grandmother were both quilters, however my mom had eye trouble and was unable to quilt much herself. She was so happy to receive your quilt, as it felt like a reminder of her mom. It was the highlight of a very difficult day."

She said that because only one family member was able to be with her, the quilt which reminded her of family was especially helpful.

They received this quilt from made by Karen & Karen, as usual it's a team effort. When COVID began we had to think through how we deliver and distribute quilts, but knew it would be more important than ever to continue. Thanks to everyone who helps out with CiL to support and shower love on these families, now more than ever.

Covered in Love's usual every-two-month block drive is on hiatus for the months of May-June. You can see a post here with talking about it and some suggested ways to fill the CiL sized hole in your month!

Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. This story makes my heart swell! I wondered if and how the quilts would be distributed now, and I'm so glad they can continue to do their important, comforting work. It is such a sad and difficult time for families with loved ones in the hospital. If our quilts provide even the tiniest bit of color and warmth, then the work is completely worthwhile!

    1. Louise, you, especially, must feel the love!

  2. What a warm, wonderful story of how the CiL quilts are helping those to feel comfort, love & peace. Thank you for sharing part of A's letter that tells of her appreciation to CiL & what the quilt meant to her mother. It is such an honor & privilege to be a tiny part of CiL.

  3. What a beautiful story to go along with the beautiful quilt. There are some truly wonderful things going on right now, and this is one of them.

  4. What a sweet story! I am proud and honored to be a tiny part of CiL. Thanks for all you do!

  5. Oh how I love those letters....but!! tissue warning should have been issued - haha!! Seriously - such a great way to comfort both patient and family (hugs)

  6. Thanks for sharing this story. It triggered memories for me of my husband who died from brain cancer 28 days after diagnosis. It is wonderful to know that this lady received such comfort from a quilt. Let's keep up the good work.

  7. Another great batch of quilts, Kat! Thanks for sharing that heartwarming story with us and thanks to A. for supporting Covered in Love by giving back in this way.

  8. Beautiful quilts, and thank you for sharing this very sweet story.

  9. Yes, beautiful quilts, and a beautiful story for these hard times!

  10. What a poignant story. Thanks to you and A. for sharing it.
