
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Fresh String Quilts Up!

It's still July, technically, and we've got some of Jan/Feb's string quilts done! These are always a super popular block drive so it's a marathon to get them all turned into quilts.

Assembled and quilted by Holly

Covered in Love is blessed by the problem of too many blocks! Long-time supporter has Holly jumped in to help with assembly and quilting and she put together the one above.

This year's block design was an experiment and we are experimenting with different layouts as they come together.  You can see the design Tammy S. did here.  That one works best with sashing.

Assembled and quilted by Tammy S

Speaking of Tammy, she assembled and quilted these last two quilts from block drive blocks I sent her.

I really like this sort of flowered leaf panto she uses sometimes. 

Thank you to everybody who is helping us keep up with the need for quilts!  If anyone wants to throw in yardage with your blocks we are running short on large cuts (1yd or more) for backings at the moment. 

I wanted to share this story Chaplain Perry texted me. This was one of the unusual cases where a quilt was given out in a case where no one was passing away, but an exceptional patient needed extra comfort. (Word of advice, never let anything you own go into the hospital laundry).

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 600 so far! The July/August drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. I just donated $15 to help with the backing fabric you need - seems the best option as I live in England and can't sew for you :)

  2. Those new quilts are fantastic. I love how placement just changes the whole look of the quilt. The help that Holly & Tammy S. provided you is truly appreciated. Thank you so much for the letter from Chaplain Perry. It's sad that the laundry tore up the first quilt but was so glad that the second one provided to her by CiL was just what she needed at the time. Covered in Love is a blessing to all it touches!

  3. Fun quilts!! the directional changes of the strings is really neat!

  4. Oh, these are so dynamic! I love the wild scrappiness of them. And thanks for sharing Perry's story :)

  5. When making my block, I kept wondering how these blocks were going to go together. These quilts turned out great! Thanks for sharing that Chaplain story, Kat.

  6. Those string quilts came out so marvelous!!

  7. How lively the string quilts look with the new block design. The Chaplain's story is a real pick me up for these challenging times. Thanks to all your helpers for easing your work load. Wish I was closer to help in some way, but my star blocks will go in the mail this week. Here's hoping the mail delivery slow down won't delay them.

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