
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Quilts from North Dakota

We made it to August of the longest year ever! I hope you are all still staying safe and not too bored.

These two pretty quilts were sent in, already finished, from North Dakota. There was no name and I haven't been able to figure out who they are from, so if you sent them please let me know!

We're in the middle of a small Covid surge here. It's gotten into a few of the nursing homes, which is so sad.

All the hospital's virus precautions have interrupted our normal quilt distribution but I am working with the chaplains to make sure we are still able to get quilts to surviving family members, one way of another.  Sending love to you all!

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 600 so far! The July/August drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Those 2 quilts are so pretty & ready for a family in need. It's so nice that they came completely finished. I hope you find out who sent them. I know you are working with the chaplains & that needed quilts will be distributed in spite of the virus roadblocks. Thank you for taking care of those behind the scenes that we never see or are unaware of. Hugs!

  2. Thank you, Anonymous North Dakota quilter, for these lovely donations! I hope you will step forward so we know your name :)

  3. What a generous donation, Kat! Glad to hear you are still working to get quilts to families in the midst of this Covid storm. Stay safe!

  4. Beautiful quilts for a wonderful donation given without a need to get credit. Sometimes the reward is in the giving. So very generous.
