
Thursday, October 22, 2020

String Things

Welcome to round 2 of Jan/Feb's string quilts!  Long-time volunteer Holly assembled and quilted the first quilt, which has some really lovely colors in it.  She quilted intersecting lines that sort of looks like stars.

These next two quilts were assembled and quilted by Linda D. I'm excited to show you more of her quilting if the future!

Of course none of these quilts would be here without the many people who sent in blocks during the January/February drive...

...And those who have sent in binding and backings! Thank you!  A recent delivery to the hospital has put Covered in Love up to nearly 700 quilts.

I had several string quilt tops sent in by various people on my shelves so I decided to lump them in with this drive and get them finished!

This top was made by Pam C. and came with backing and binding.  Pam's quilts are always neatly pieced and pressed smooth, a pleasure to quilt (my pressing skills are, ahem, lacking.)

This top was made by Johanna, such bright happy colors!

This last top came from Elana and yes, some how we took the picture upside down! If you turn your head you'll see it's a heart!

Just wanted to assure you that absolutely everything you send to CiL gets used :) I recycle your ziploc bags, tissue paper, and especially the boxes!

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 600 so far! The Sept/Oct drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 


Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday



  1. Lot of fantastic volunteers to help make & finish quilts for CiL. Thanks so much to everyone involved in helping Kat with these quilts of love. The last quilt is my favorite this week...only because red is my favorite color. So glad that Sundae & Fudge are getting to use the recycled boxes. There's nothing like exploring a new house! Kat, try not to work to hard & stay safe! Hugs!!

  2. An explosion of loving scrappiness! What a super batch of quilts. String blocks are so versatile, and I'm sure the families will appreciate the comfort these quilts bring. Many thanks to Elana, Johanna, Pam, Linda and Holly for all the hours of work they put into them :)

  3. Wonderful batch of String quilts, Kat! I had fun searching for the block that I sent it. (Didn't find it, but enjoyed examining each quilt!)

  4. I love string quilts. The design on that first one is really cool!

  5. What an interesting string block. And 700 quilts is an impressive number of quilts! Congrats to all.

  6. Those look great! Mine is going together. I'm still having issues with my longarm, but I think it's almost right again, I think. =)

  7. Thank you to all who work on and with CIL! Some day I may even use my sewing machine again and make blocks to send!

  8. Great string finishes. Thank you so much for quilting up my heart one. What is it about that quilt that I also took photos of it the wrong way??? It's a tricky one that red stringgy thing!!!
