
Thursday, September 15, 2022

I get by with a little help...

...from my friends. Hello! Louise here with some quilts that were started by friends of Covered in Love, and finished by me. These only needed a little help, making my job easy.

First up is this great modern turquoise quilt. Diane N. started this top and made all the cool striped squares with a single fabric cut into triangles. Look at how perfectly the stripes match up. Wow! The original design started out on point and looked like it would finish king size or even bigger. HUGE! It came to me still in pieces, about 3 or 4 diagonal rows, and with extra stripe for the binding. I kind of deconstructed it back into a straight set design and had enough to make both the front and back from the original top. Thanks for your donation, Diane!

The next four tops arrived all pieced and pretty, but just a smidge too small. All I had to do was add a border or two, baste, quilt and bind. This classic, scrappy coin quilt was pieced by Irene. The pretty blue fabric with birds was donated and picks up the burgundy of Irene's sashing. Thank you so much for this sweet top, Irene!

Barb donated several of her lovely churn dash tops, and this is the second one I've finished. Her tops are always nice and flat and square. Thanks, Barb!

A close up of some of the pretty florals she used, and the chicken fabric I put on the back. Regular readers know how much I love a good chicken fabric. Cluck, cluck!

This Trip Around the World top from Frances B. ended at the outer black sashing. I love how she used half square triangles in the corners. I knew a red outer border was the way to go, but had nothing appropriate in my stash until I visited a friend's guild in St. Petersburg, FL. The perfect red plaid was on the give-away table and I nabbed it for Frances' quilt.

This fun fishing lure print makes a great backing, and I hope it appeals to a fly fisherman. Thank you, Frances!

Isn't this an interesting block? I'd never seen it before when I received this top pieced by Jo K. It arrived with the small grey border and I just couldn't decide what to use for the outer border. I pulled about six different fabrics to audition and my husband immediately chose the orange. I call him my "color consultant" and he's rarely wrong! Thanks to Jo for the fun top.

This soft and lovely quilt was donated as a group of blocks. Kat usually lets me know who donated the blocks, but I think these were anonymous. If you recognize them, leave a comment so we can thank you!

All the blocks were pieced from the same floral fabric, using the four-patch kaleidoscope technique. Here's a tutorial if you're interested. It makes all unique blocks that completely coordinate with each other. I only needed to add the sashing and borders for a pretty finish. Easy!

And speaking of easy, Julie S. sure made things easy for me with this donation! She had carefully cut each pair of triangles and pinned them together, plus included a photo of the pattern that inspired her. I had several peaceful days of happily stitching the blocks together, then laying them out, no heavy duty thinking required.

I love all these true blues. Julie has a great sense of color. I quilted all the blue triangles in blue thread and the white ones with white thread. You can hardly tell, though, so maybe I won't do that again, ha! Still, I really enjoyed this piece. Thanks, Julie!

I'll end with this quilt made from blocks and precut fabric from an anonymous donor. She (or he?) included a copy of the "Circus Compass" pattern, from Quilt Now magazine. Once again, all the thinking had been done for me and all I needed to do was keep making blocks! Fortunately, the blocks are huge so I only needed to make a few.  

I added some of my own pale blue and red fabrics plus the outer border. The fabric line is "Jane Austen at Home" by Riley Blake, which is really lovely, high-quality stuff. Soft and sweet!

Many thanks to everyone who donates tops, blocks, fabric, and patterns to Covered in Love. I'm so lucky to work with such a huge variety of raw materials to make these comforting quilts!

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1000 so far! The September/October block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday 


  1. I love that modern study in stripes. I have done the same with stripes and it makes such a wonderful impact. I love how you share your thought process and the random fabric finds. I feel like I am sitting with at the dock with you and sharing cheese and crackers, while you tell the stories.
    The quarter "one block wonder" method is also one I have tried. I like having squares when I finish rather than hexagons.

  2. Louise, I just love seeing you work your magic with these blocks & tops. Thank you for all you do with CIL and for sharing with us.

  3. What a great bunch of quilts. You sure do seem to be keeping busy. It's so good to "see" you. My Hubby is a great "color consultant", too!
