
Thursday, September 29, 2022

More Goodies

Happy Friday, Kat here! Louise has been soooo helpful stepping in to create some Friday posts here at the end of summer when I got a little bogged down with life.  We'll still be alternating a little bit for a while. I know you all like to hear from her!  

Tina C sent in these first couple quilts, including this amazing sampler with a mix of techniques to make different image blocks. She also made this blue-green pixel quilt during the May-June block drive.

I'm happy to share that CiL has expanded into a 3rd hospital! This one is smaller and probably won't go through as many quilts, but they were thrilled to have them to share with the patients who do pass there. 

This very large Swoon quilt was sent in without a return address or name if anyone can claim it! 

Our newest hospital has an interesting history. It was originally a military camp, training base and POW camp around the time of WWI/WWII.  After the wars it was converted into a convalescent camp to isolate and treat those with TB in the miliary tents and barracks.  Ultimately it became a "chest hospital" with permanent buildings and a focus on TB and other respiratory diseases.  Today it is a full-service hospital, still with a focus on diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis, TB, COPD, and Legionnaires. 

Carol E sent in this simple, striking quilt that will be great for a male. It would also make a cool block for a block drive next time I'm feeling up for a simpler one. 

This next quilt with the Route 66 novelty fabric was sent in by Kelley. The really cool thing about this one is how much it resembles one I made before.  Back in 2015, I had pulled the same fabric from a remnant bin, I'm sure.  Kelley and I chose the same way to approach the quilt, choosing read-as-solid coordinates and making a simple patchwork. Amazing how similar two quilts can be completely by coincidence! 

I went on a couple trips recently and on one of them I acquired a new tattoo. I've been thinking about this one for a while and I love how it came out! 

Fudge likes it too.  Top to bottom the blocks are Storm at Sea, Dutchman's Puzzle, and Lonestar. 

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1000 so far! The September/October block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday 


  1. Another great batch of quilts to pass along, Kat! New tattoo? Glad to hear that you and Fudge are happy with the new ink!

  2. What beautiful quilts! I like the Sept/Oct block, too. I would like to make some, but I'm still struggling with the cancer treatment.

  3. So happy to hear that CiL has expanded again. This shows that the charity is thriving with all the help from the volunteers that sew from their hearts. I love all the new quilts posted this week. I really like that first sampler quilt that was sent in from Tina C. It was amazing to see the Route 66 quilts & how much they looked alike. Thanks again, Kat for your unending work & love that you put in to CiL for the patients & their families. Love & hugs to you!!!!

  4. What a super batch of quilts! I agree that Carol's rail fence variation is such a great pattern. Scrappilicious! Many thanks to Carol, Tina, Kelley, Anonymous, and your talented tattoo artist :)

  5. Hi Kat! I’ve never seen quilt block tattoos. Cool! Glad to hear that CiL can help those in the pulmonary hospital.

  6. Wow! Whoever did your new tats did an amazing job!!!! So perfect! Did you ever dream your quilt ministry would grow this big????? Bless you for bringing comfort to so many families. I don't know how you do it all!
