Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Mystery Quilt

Happy Friday, quilters! The weather here is divine! Texas is enjoying our one month of Fall per year. Just as well I can leave my windows open since my AC/heat is broken again.

This first quilt was sent in quite a while back anonymously and I never have found out who it came from.  It's very pretty and I love the birds in the quilting. Do any of you recognize this one? 

Next up, two tops Jeanine sent in with backings and even batting that I was able to quickly finish up.  Both of them have scrappy fabrics that will be great for a man.

The kitties always enjoy the boxes that get shipped here and this one in particular has been getting heavy use, along with the crinkly packing paper. We're rapidly approaching my favorite time of the year and I feel refreshed and renewed. Wishing the same for all of you!  

Linking to Finished or Not Friday


  1. Jeanine's tops look super with your finishing quilting and binding! Many thanks to her and our anonymous friend who generously donated their talents. I hope autumn lasts as long as possible for you and the kitties!

  2. Such beautiful quilts come your way by dedicated contributors. So glad CiL is able to supply quilts for those families in need. A cat in a box always makes me smile.

  3. All three are wonderful contributions to Covered in Love, Kat!
