I know a lot of people have been curious about how the Jan/Feb string blocks that are foundation pieced onto batting will be put together. I took advantage of the snow days to start putting some together so you can see.
I sorted out red and orange blocks for my first quilt. Step one is to put right sides together and sew with a fat quarter inch seam through all the layers.
Step 2 is to finish the seam. I've done this before by finger pressing the seams open and stitching over them with a triple zigzag (visible in close up photos on this post).
I decided this time to push the seam allowance to one side and top stitch it down about 1/8th inch from the seam.
And basically that's it. I like to assemble mine in columns and then join those into rows. Make sure to push your seam allowances in different directions so they will nest.
It does take longer to basically sew every seam twice, but it's worth it because of how easy the quilting is!
I use glue basting to put my quilt sandwiches together. (More details in this post). Since there isn't really going to be much quilting, just enough to tack the backing onto the top, the glue can be sparse.
I FMQ'ed 6 wavy lines across the quilt, through the center of each row.
Trim, bind, and ta-da! All done. I hope this helps answer some questions for you, feel free to ask in the comments if you have any others :)
Like many of you, we've had tons of snow and cold weather. I'm told we're breaking 100 year records. Fortunately we have had power and water throughout, knock on wood. Sundae and Fudge were very curious about the snow, I think the bright sunny day confused them into thinking it would be nice to go outside. They dash out the door and straight down the steps before realizing the problem...
Nope, nope, nope. |
Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 700 so far! The Jan/Feb drive is going on now. Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.
Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday