Saturday, January 2, 2021

Jan/Feb String Drive

Hello quilters, welcome to the first Covered in Love Block Drive of 2021 and year 6 of sewing string blocks! For anyone who may be new, basically CiL is a charity that makes quilts for patients dying in the hospital. I run a block drive every two months where anyone can participate and make as many or as few blocks as you wish. Scroll to the bottom of the post for more details if you'd like to participate!



For this year's string drive we are using a tutorial I wrote a long time ago for my do. Good Stitches circle.  The tutorial leads you through how to foundation piece onto batting instead of fabric (which batting to choose, etc). 


We'll just make one change from the tutorial: color. The quilt my group was making at that time was for a child so we used bright colors.  You may use whatever colors you like but do keep to the scheme to making each block mostly one color with a stripe or two of contrast. If you don't have a lot of strings you can interpret "one color" a little broadly and make blocks of cool colors, warm colors, pastel florals, etc.  As long as they read clearly as one tone with a splash of another.

Access the tutorial here!

I realize that these blocks will be thicker and bulkier to mail, but they won't be any heavier so I think the postage might break even. Remember CiL can reimburse you for mailing expenses if they are a hardship, just save your receipt and email me. If you don't have any batting scraps of the right type (remember you can join together smaller pieces with a zigzag stitch) I'd recommend asking around to your fellow quilters locally! Or I have seen crib sizes of Warm and Natural for about $10.

If you have questions about the block of the drive please don't hesitate to email me.  The drive runs January thru February, so blocks should be in the mail by the end of Feb.  Email if you need the address to mail blocks. 


  1. Great looking blocks & I look forward to making these. One question...will we send 13" blocks to you instead of the usual 12 1/2" blocks? These should save you lots of time in assembly since you won't have to insert additional batting. GREAT IDEA! Happy New Year to you & your furries!

  2. So any color family with a spot or two of contrast?? My brain just is not working this morning. Looking forward to sending several blocks.

  3. That's an interesting twist, Kat! I'll see what I can come up with.

  4. I’ve sewed about six blocks so far and have four more color combos prepped. This is a fun and easy string block to sew.
