Thursday, May 30, 2024

Scrap Bin Geese Wrap Up!

At long last we have the wrap up of the Sept/Oct 2022 block drive with Scrap Bin Geese blocks! This was the last block drive before we went on our hiatus. CiL's wonderful volunteer quilters have been working very hard to get us caught up.  Linda assembled and quilted the first quilt, photographed on the swing.

Pam did the assembly and quilting on this quilt. There were 6 quilts from this drive in total and you can see the others here and here.  This was based on a quilt my do. Good Stitches circle did a long time ago which you can see here. It looks quite different because the Good Stitches quilts uses a solid white background.

Thanks to everyone who contributed and contributes to keep CiL running!

The latest development in cat-news is this suction cup birdfeeder I got for the kitchen window. I'm not sure if it's more entertainment or frustration for the kitties.

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1400 so far! The April-June block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Donna's Quilts

Donna J delivered a beautiful batch of quilts to Covered in Love recently.  These two scrappy quilts with the vintage fabrics are my favorite. Might make a good block drive with each person making a 9-patch? I love the wild colors and pattern. 

The rest of the quilts are more traditional, starting with this cozy patchwork quilt with stars at the intersections. 

I took a closeup so you can see Donna's wonderful quilting. 

Things are going very well with Covered in Love's mission to deliver comfort quilts to East Texans in need. I hope you all saw the "thank you" note I posted a couple weeks ago

It's hard for me to really share the impact of our quilts with you due to patient privacy laws, but I promise they are a great help.

I'm trying to stay more on top of the block situation now that we finally got caught up. You probably noticed I am stretching the drives out to 3 months rather than two, and we will probably still take off a few months, I am thinking around Christmas. 

Thank you for all your support of CiL and I hope your summer is starting off well!

Cleanliness is next to cat-liness, or so I'm told. 

  Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1400 so far! The April-June block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Baby Goodies

Happy Friday! I have some personal projects to show for the first time in a long while. These baby gifts are for a few friends having little boys. I love making these 60 degree triangle quilts for babies, so simple and dramatic.  I like to choose a backing fabric and then pull fabrics for the front based on the colors in the backing. (You can see a couple others here.)

This family is honoring a grandfather who was a pilot, so mama-to-be especially loved the backing fabric. I was happy to use some sock-monkey fabric on the front that I've has since about 2011. 

Next, I did some cyanotype dyeing. I usually do these by setting them out under the bright sun for about ten minutes, but because the sun moves there can be some slight blurring. This time I tried using a UV light rigged it up in a light box. The trade-off for more crisp, clear lines is that I can only do one at a time and it takes nearly 4 times as long exposure time as under the sun.

I have plans to do some more dyeing soon, if only the cats weren't quite so helpful it would be easier!

The face of a boy who brought in a lizard off the catio into my bed to wake me up

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1400 so far! The April-June block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Thank You!

The chaplains from Mother Frances hospital, who distribute our quilts there, sent me a nice note the other day along with a note they received from a patient family.  These kind thanks belong to all of you who have helped CiL.

(click on the images to expand them to make it easier to read)

   Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1400 so far! The April-June block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Priscilla's Tops

Happy Friday, quilters! Priscilla has been one of CiL's longest running supporters. She's sent in many tops over the years. This week I have three of her awesome tops which were finished by our amazing quilters. 

This simple block made of batik fabrics is cheery and cozy and absolutely huge. As you can see, it barely fit on the swing at all. Both this quilt and the next are in the 100" sq range.

A similarly simple block in a completely different palette makes for an equally cozy quilt. These two enormous quilts were both quilted by Wendy on her longarm. 

Last up, this is also quite a large quilt, it's only small by comparison to the other two. I love the border design. Pam did the quilting on this one and I really like the block. Might make for a fun block drive one day?

Thank you so much, ladies!

Screen doors and Sunday morning sunshine

  Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1400 so far! The April-June block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.