Thursday, February 20, 2025

Beth, Holly, Linda

Happy Friday, quilters! Sorry I missed last week, I took a trip to Santa Fe. I've got some great quilts to show you this week. This first one is a pattern called "Squared Up" by Cotton and Joy in Northcott Stonehenge fabrics. Beth made the top and Linda quilted it.

It's a lovely simple pattern, but so striking!

Next another top by by Beth, in much more her usual color scheme. This one's smaller so I quilted it on my midarm. 

Next, Holly made two tops in the GE Quilts "Stella" pattern with beautiful batik fabrics.

I did the quilting on these with a simple stipple.

I don't know what happened with this quilt. The camera just didn't like it. I took photos 3 separate times and they all came out the same 

The colors are a lovely bright blue and turquoise with bright white, same as the pink/coral one.

Thanks, ladies!

  Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1600 so far! The Jan-March block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

  Linking to Finished or Not Friday


  1. Thanks to Beth, Holly & Linda for your contributions to CiL. All of them are so pretty that it's hard to pick a favorite. Beautiful work by all of you.
    Looks like Fudge & Sundae are staying warm & cozy in their furry tower.

  2. So many pretty patterns and fabrics! Weird about the camera on the turquoise stars, but I can picture it much brighter in person. Many thanks to all the makers who shared their talents this week!

  3. Lovely additions to be distributed for Covered in Love patients!
