Friday, October 11, 2024

Priscilla's Pretties

Hello, friends! Louise here to share a few quilts I finished from Priscilla's blocks and tops.

This one came to me as big log cabin blocks, and I laid them out in Fields and Furrows. The autumnal fabrics are gorgeous!

This is a classic in scrappy lights and darks. I think this block is called Split Nines? Priscilla is great at using contrast in her quilts.

Here's a deep dive into the variety in Priscilla's stash. So many different fabrics, all playing nicely together.

Someone donated several yards of this cute piggy fabric, so I put it on the back. 

I'm 90% certain these bright blocks came from Priscilla's studio. My apologies if I got that wrong! 

It's a happy quilt no matter what.

I think this one is my favorite of the batch. Simple and modern, with the consistency of the little turquoise squares.

I hope you enjoyed this lovely group of quilts. Many thanks to Priscilla for her continuing generosity and support of Covered in Love!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Finished Quilts


Happy Friday, quilters! I'm late posting but it's still Friday. This week's post is full of my favorite kind of quilts: finished ones! Pat K. sent in this scrappy delight16 patch quilt all finished and just in need of a label. 

Pat also sent in this sampler quilt in a lovely simple palette. I'm overall not a huge fan of pink/purple but I do like this eggplant color. 

The alternate blocks are really simple but they create the illusion that the main blocks are on point. 

Edna sent in this cozy scrap quilt. Edna always rounds off the corners of her quilts and I love it.

Simple straightline quilting really sets off the design. 

She also included a scrap panel on the back. 

Lastly for this week, Bev M. gave me this quilt that shows off cute from a bird panel. I really like the weave block... expect to see that in a block drive soon. 

Thank you, Pat, Edna, and Bev! The July-Sept block drive is now complete and I'm behind putting up the next one. Standby, I'll get it up in a few days! 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Mod Mosaic Block Drive Finish


Happy Friday, Quilters! It's the first block drive finish since we started back up. These three quilts are from the Mod Mosaic block drive we did in Jan-March this year. 

I sent all the blocks we got in to Linda and she assembled and quilted them. I actually love how these came out. They look better in person than they do in the photos. 

There were enough blocks to make three quilts. They are just over 60" square with the borders added. 

See if anyone can spot how we laid them out. I'll give you a little hint that original blocks were 12x15" and each top contains 16 of them.

These have already gone up to the hospital to be distributed. With three hospitals regularly passing out CiL quilts now they pretty much use them as fast as I can bring them up. 

This was meant to be a smaller blocks drive since I was just jumping back in after hiatus and didn't want to be immediately overwhelmed. If you donated see if you can spot your block. I think we only had a couple left over. 

Thank to everyone who helped, especially Linda for finishing these! 

This picture is from a few weeks ago when a bird got stuck on my screened in porch and the cats were fascinated. We had a repeat incident one morning this week when certain kitties who shall remain nameless brought a bird (stunned, but very much alive) in through the cat flap... That was an exciting way to wake up.  The mostly unharmed bird was eventually returned to the outside where he belongs. 

 Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1500 so far! The July-Sept block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Diane's Tops

Happy Friday, quilters! I've got three quilts to show this week that were all tops made by Diane.

These first two were quilted by Linda on her long arm. I thought the panto on this first one matched the fabrics in the top particularly well. 

This is a really cool pattern. I didn't take a closer look while I had it in my hands, but I suspect it's assembled on point. 

Next up, batik butterflies! I love their little appliqued antennas.

And lastly, this applique wreath sampler.  I really like how the maroon/green fabrics get darker toward the intersections of the blocks.

This quilt went to a patient I'm particularly fond of. She's a life long crocheter. They were very touched by the gift.

I did the quilting on this one with just an all over stipple.

Fudge cornered an unfortunate lizard on the porch the other day. It escaped but left it's tail behind, which he enjoyed for a few minutes.

 Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1500 so far! The July-Sept block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Friday Finishes

Happy Friday, quilters! Got some good quilts to show you this week. This beauty is a top made by Christine and quilted by Linda.

The pattern is "String Theory" by Sharon Tucker of Grass Roots Quilt Studio. Christine found the perfect backing and binding to send with it.

This next top also came from Christine and was sent out to Sundance Quilting to be finished. 

Sundance did this pretty feathered Baptist fan design that really lets this scrap quilt shine.

Next up, two quilts that were quilted by my old circle-mate from do. Good Stitches, Jenny!

This bright quilt was actually made by my old Good Stitches circle. Lots of fun fabrics and great colors.

And lastly, a top sent on by Pam C. and quilted by Jenny on her long arm. This is a nice large quilt and I love the soft, sweet colors.

Thank you, ladies, for all your help! 

The weather has turned wonderfully cool here and the kitties and I are enjoying our porch. I hope Fall is coming where you are, too!

 Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1500 so far! The July-Sept block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Priscilla's Cozy Quilts

Happy Friday, Quilters! I have some tops to show this week from Priscilla, one of CiL's most prolific donors. This first one was quilted by me with a stipple. 

This first one came out a little washed out in the photos, but I love the homespun fabrics and the cute panels. It's a great color scheme, too.

Next up, this more modern looking top from Priscilla was quilted by Meloney on her long arm.

Thank you, ladies! This one is a BIG quilt.

And lastly a couple more I did the quilting on. I have been working recently to get some of the smaller tops done (Under 60" in at least one dimension.)

This one has scrappy spools of thread and one pretty, fancy lady.

And a jelly roll quilt. Again, the colors are a bit washed out but I really like them. The browns with blue and red are very complimentary. 

All of these quilts have already been taken up to the hospital to be passed out. Thank you so much! 

  Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1500 so far! The July-Sept block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved.