Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Pantry Jars Quilt {Sorted}

Merry Christmas, Quilters! I am working in the hospital today, but I'm off this week. I hope you're all having a fun holiday. 

I thought I'd do a bonus post today to show a personal quilt I made recently. I like to listen to a lot of YouTube while I sew and over the summer I got into a food channel called Sorted

So I did what any reasonable person would do and made them a quilt! (You know what it's like when the inspiration bug bites.) I decided on pantry jars, which is a design I've never made before. 

I looked at a lot of quilts as inspiration and had fun adding elements like these books with funny titles from selvedges and the spice bottles and wine.

I also did several larger containers of fruit and veg in crates/boxes/bowls. I just stabilized those and then did raw edge applique.

I quilted wood grain on the shelves and the crates and stitch-in-the-ditch around the jars, and then stipple in the background.

To my surprise and delight the guys actually opened my quilts during a segment on their Christmas live show! The entire show is behind a paywall, but you can see most of their reaction here

I'm tickled by how excited they got about the backing. I bought 2 yards of a novelty food print and then pieced the rest from scraps. I guess all quilts are, by definition, two-sided? 

There's nothing more gratifying as a quilter than seeing something you made be appreciated and used in the spirit it was gifted.  Merry Christmas, everyone!

PS: the Covered in Love block drives will be back in January, so keep an eye out for that post in about a week. 


  1. What a fun quilt, Kat. I have some of that martini glass fabric. I bought it to make an apron for a friend, but so far, it sits in my stash. Maybe this year.
    Merry Christmas. Enjoy your week off when it gets here.

  2. Very fun to watch them open the quilt, but I kept shouting at my computer for them to turn it over and admire the front! Great job with all the different techniques and designs to make this super cool quilt :)

  3. Oh my you and your quilt will/is famous now, how very fun for you and them. Watching them open was fun!

  4. What fun! But I couldn't help laughing because they were just as excited aobout the back of the quilt as the front.
