Thursday, March 6, 2025

Denise & Julie's Bright Quilts

Happy Friday, quilters! I've got some beautiful, bright quilts this week. It's almost enough to make you feel Spring-y. All four quilts in this post were quilted by Sundance Quilting

These first two tops were made by Denise. I love her rainbow color schemes. 

The rainbow colors against the gray in this quilt pop especially well, I think. 

Next up, two tops made by Julie W. These are really great, bright, scrappy quilts, and so cozy.

Sundance Quilting has been great to work with and gives us a charity discount. I definitely recommend them if you are looking for a commercial long-armer. 

Both of Julie's quilts have really simple scrap blocks, but they are so effective when arranged together. 

Thank you, ladies! Your cheerful quilts will be perfect to comfort a grieving family.

We've had some wild weather and power outages this week. I walked into the refrigerator in the dark and got a nice bruise on my cheek. I hope you're all safe and warm!

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 1600 so far! The Jan-March block drive is live now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

  Linking to Finished or Not Friday

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