Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bold and Bright {Split 9 Patch Round 1}

Back in Sept-Oct last year Covered in Love made these split nine patch blocks for our block drive.  The quilts are nearly all done and I can't wait to show them to you!

The first quilt was assembled by volunteer Nancy K. and quilted by Jenn S.  Those two ladies make a great team!

This one had a few backward blocks, which I didn't notice at first but it actually adds a lot of interest.

Cynthia, a professional long-armer, also donated her time and skills toassemble and finish seven quilts for CiL! Thanks to generous donations from supporters we were able to compensate her for her supplies and shipping costs.  I'm not putting all the pictures here because I want you to go look at them on her blog!

Sundae is taking sheltering in place seriously.

Covered in Love is a 501(c)(3) charity that donates quilts to patients dying in the hospital, over 500 so far! The March/April drive is going on now.  Check out the main post HERE if you want to get involved. 

Linking to  Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday


  1. Thank you so much, Nancy and Jenn! Your quilt turned out super! And I've been following along on Cynthia's blog as she finishes up her batch. So talented! It's always wonderful to see the block drive quilts come together. Many hands and many hearts working together for the greater good :)

  2. A big shout out to Nancy K., Jenn S., & Cynthia. Those split 9 patch blocks turned into some beautiful quilts. It's amazing how single blocks look so much different than full quilts made from those single blocks. Sundae is doing his part for the nation & I see that Fudge is practicing social distancing from Sundae!
    Thanks for the show of beautiful quilts!

  3. Those are AWESOME, Kat!! I really hoped that you would share a photo of Cynthia's final finish (since she mailed it off without one.)

  4. What a bunch of interesting quilt layouts! oh and could you love on those kitties for me, please?
