This month is my month to be the Queen Bee of my Hive in the
Stash Bee; I've been participating in this bee since about this time last year. I thought it would be fun to post my introduction and block here as well.
Hello Hive #3! I'm so excited that it's finally February. I have to say, I've been enjoying this Bee immensely and sewing up all the fun blocks that you guys have chosen. I hope you like the block I've picked for this month. So, on to the getting-to-know-you bit.
Hiking at White Sand in New Mexico |
My name is Kat and I live in North-East Texas with my cat-allergic cat, Wilson. I am currently in nursing school; I should graduate in May and become an RN. I'm hoping to get a job in a trauma ICU, then later move on to Mercy Ships. In between school and quilting I enjoy traveling, sailing, and working backstage on community theatre shows.
Crewing on the Hawaiian Chieftain |
My day job currently is working at a t-shirt shop where I run a large embroidery machine. It's a thread-happy job but not the same as quilting, for sure. I also work periodically as a dresser on touring Broadway shows when they come through our area, most recently West Side Story.
Wilson: Chief Quilt Inspector |
The hardest quilt I have ever made would either be the Carpenter's Star I made last Christmas with it's insane number of Y-seams, or the Ocean Waves quilt this Christmas, which was a pure endurance challenge. Both of these were more traditional designs which are not my norm. The majority of my quilts are distinctly modern and I prefer to create my own designs rather than following a pattern. Still, if I had it to do over I'd make these both the same way again.
The Carpenter's Star with its happy recipient |
My mom originally turned me loose with a sewing machine and some general direction when I was around 8. I think the first thing I made was a pillow. I sewed occasionally until I was 21 when I began teaching myself to quilt on a whim. I've learned to quilt through a combination of trial and error, consulting the internet, and observing the experts.
Action kitty Wilson pounces the krinkly ball |
My favorite dessert food is dark chocolate... any kind, really. As far as baked goods go, probably sweet potato pie. I'm a good southerner like that. The last time I laughed really hard was at my cat, Wilson, doing acrobatics chasing after a krinkly ball.
Finding joy in a very special little boy discovering cotton candy |
My life philosophy is tricky to answer, but I think it would be: be joyful! Find your joy in every situation, because it is there.
The Block
The block I've chosen for this month is the modern bargello block introduced by Amy in the Something New Sampler. Her tutorial is here. I've had a long time to think about, and change my mind about my block, but when I saw this I knew it was the one.
Amy's Block |
The only (potential) change from her tutorial is size. The tutorial makes a 14.5" x 7.5" block. I am asking for a block 13.5" wide by at least 7.5" tall. I noticed that I had a hard time getting mine to 14.5" inches wide so I'm giving you an inch more wiggle room in your trimming.
You can make your block in any height you choose as long as it's at least 7.5". To increase the height just cut your original strips longer where she cuts hers to 12". I cut one set of mine to 20.5" and the final block was 14.5" long, the other set I cut to 24.5" and it ended up 17".
You can also mix up the number/widths of your strips at the beginning as long as their width after they're sewn together but before you sew them into a tube measures at least/about 15".
Amy specifies to press all the seams open but it isn't important to me whether you do or not.
My blocks |
I am asking for blocks in blue, grey, and purple with pops of red and yellow. Please use a mix of solids and prints. For the background use a solid of either blue, grey, or purple.
I kept my bargello waves pretty tight, but feel free to make their sweeps more dramatic. I can't wait to see all your different blocks! I am the opposite of a perfectionist so please don't sweat it if your block ends up a little small or something. Make another if you feel like you should, but send along the wonky one, too. I'll make it work :)
I am asking for one large or two small blocks (I'll leave it up to you to determine what sizes qualify) but of course if you want to make more I'll be thrilled.
If you'd like to send a signature block please sign a 5.5" x 3.5" solid color block.
Thanks everyone! I hope that is all the info you need but please email me with any questions and I will do my best to answer.
Your Nurture paper pieced quilt is awesome! Saw it on Finished or Not Friday. Liz in Houston