Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Different Kind of "Craft"

Sew Some Love is on hiatus this week. I thought instead I'd show you some pictures of my summer project here in Santa Fe. I've been helping my friends to install an IKEA kitchen.

before shot

Above you can see the left side of the kitchen area, which is where we started.  I think July 5th was the day we officially began.

These are about 1/4 of the boxes that contained our kitchen. There were around 200 boxes.

First cabinet in.  Assembling IKEA cabinets is basically like Lego for grownups.  Installing them into a kitchen takes more construction knowledge and skill, so the the first time I am learning to use power tools.

Construction is even more similar to quilting than I always suspected it would be.

The left side of the kitchen is nearly done. We've made quite a bit of progress since this photo was taken a couple days ago.  What do you think about IKEA? Love it or hate it?


  1. I bought my IKEA kitchen sight unseen. A big truck brought a bazillion boxes and it all went together pretty flawlessly. I have been really happy with it!

  2. Wow, that kitchen is really looking good! I really like those pale wood doors...they look like improv stripe blocks :)

    IKEA hasn't had much to offer us in our mobile life, but we both enjoy strolling the store for entertainment purposes.

  3. LOVE that store!!! Your kitchen install is looking GOOD!!

  4. Absolutely love Ikea! Our kitchen in renovated office space in a commercial building we purchased 18 years ago is entirely Ikea. At first the construction guy wasn't too thrilled - snooty in fact - but once he started installing the cabinets, he changed his tune. Love my RED kitchen from Ikea!

  5. I have an Ikea kitchen island that I use as my cutting table, and I adore it!

  6. That kitchen is awesome! I've never bought anything from Ikea but I sure like what I see. Sounds like summer has been super busy for you.

  7. I love IKEA - built my sewing room furniture entirely with IKEA hacks. Now I'm looking to reconfigure my kitchen and what you have here with your sink and stove is exactly what I want. What type of shelving is behind the two lower cabinet fronts in the corner? Is it a hinged opening to a "lazy Susan" type of shelving by chance?
